3Q Confidence Report Date * MM DD YYYY Approximately how long have you been in your current position? * What is the name of your direct supervisor? * This survey is meant to give us a sense of how trustworthy you think your leaders are. There are four sections, with four questions each. The boxes are strongly negative on top, neutral in the middle, and strongly positive at the bottom. If you wish, you’re welcome to leave a comment at the end of any section. 1. THINKING ABOUT YOUR CURRENT SITUATION, HOW DO YOU FEEL? I can rely on my direct supervisor to keep their promises. strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree I can rely on my direct supervisor to deal honestly. strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree I can rely on my direct supervisor to sincerely try to understand employees’ thoughts, ideas, and concerns. strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree I can rely on my direct supervisor to treat employees fairly. strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree Add a comment if you wish. 2. THINKING BACK TO THIS TIME LAST YEAR WHAT DO YOU RECALL? First, where did you work this time last year? I worked with the same direct supervisor this time last year. I worked with a different direct supervisor this time last year I didn’t work here this time last year. This time last year, my confidence in my direct supervisor to keep their promises was… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger This time last year, my confidence in my direct supervisor to deal honestly was… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger This time last year, my confidence in my direct supervisor to treat employees fairly was… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger This time last year, my confidence in my direct supervisor to sincerely try to understand employees’ thoughts, ideas, and concerns was… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger Add a comment if you wish. 3. THINKING ABOUT OTHER PLACES YOU’VE WORKED, COMPARE YOUR CONFIDENCE LEVEL THEN TO NOW. Other places I’ve worked, my confidence in my direct supervisor to keep their promises was… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger Other places I’ve worked, my confidence in my direct supervisor to deal honestly was… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger Other places I’ve worked, my confidence in my direct supervisor to treat employees fairly was… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger Other places I’ve worked, my confidence in my direct supervisor to sincerely try to understand employees’ thoughts, ideas, and concerns was… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger Add a comment if you wish. 4. COMPARED WITH SENIOR MANAGEMENT IN OTHER COMPANIES THAT DO WHAT WE DO... When it comes to keeping promises, I think our senior management is… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger When it comes to dealing honestly, I think our senior management is… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger When it comes to treating employees fairly, I think our senior management is… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger When it comes to sincerely try to understand employees’ thoughts, ideas, and concerns, I think our senior management is… much weaker weaker neutral stronger much stronger Add a comment if you wish. Thank you!